Flow in the Present

2 years ago

Flow into the present with a 45 minute practice to Bliss
sequence includes:
bithilasan/marjariasan - cat and cow
Sun Salutation/Surya namaskar includes :
crescent/anjaneyasan & twisted cresecent/parivritta anjaneyasan
virabhadrasan/warrior II
utittha trikonasan/extended triangle
vrksasan - tree
chitti chitti bang bang
paschimothanasan - seated forward bend
upavistha parivrtta hasta padungusthasan - revolved hand to big toe
ardha matsyendrasan - lord of the fishes
anantasan - vishnu's pose
salabasan - locust
shashankasan - childs pose
sethubandasan - bridge
savasan - corpse pose

If you feel you benefited from these videos which are a labour of love, please don't hesitate to share your gratitude by supporting me with a donation to paypal.me/priyankadevigupta

Yoga so that we can stretch our body, open our hearts & quieten the mind....
Yoga is not just about the union of the body and spirit but its about embracing the internal silence which we eschew, yet ironically we crave peace of mind. So welcome to my channel, and let me guide you on a journey to connect with your body, breath and spirit.

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Health Disclaimer:
YogawithPriyanka, strongly recommends that you consult your physician/healthcare provider or doctor regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself.

Another Disclaimer:
All images and meditations belong to friends and family, and have been shared so if there is any copyright issues please remember that these are being offered for free so that everyone can enjoy and benefit - so please sit back, enjoy and relax cuz i don't have any money - so suing me is a colossal waste of time :)

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