Trent on the Loos - February 9, 2022

3 years ago

Trent takes time to talk energy. Trent shares his thoughts after a recent presentation from the Nebraska Public Power District's VP Customer Service & Chief Customer Officer Ken Curry. Trent chats about renewable energy sources and policies, the hypocrisy of the rich elite setting these policies as well as stigma associated with fossil fuel sources.

Episode 77

#BEKNews #BEK #TrentOnTheLoos #TrentLoos #KenCurry #Ken #Curry #NebraskaPublicPowerDistrict #NPPD #NEPublicPowerDistrict #Nebraska #NE #NebraskaPower #NebraskaPowerDistrict #PowerDistrict #PublicPower #Power #Public #VicePresident #VP #CustomerService #ChiefCustomerOfficer #Chief #Customer #Officer #Energy #Power #Electricity #Coal #Oil #Gas #Wind #WindTurbines #Turbines #Gasification #Carbon #CarbonNeutral #CarbonCapture #EnergyPolicy #Policy #FederalGovernment #Federal #Government #Legislation #Hypocrisy #RichElite #Elite #Rich #Money #FossilFuels #FossilFuel #Fossil #Fuel #Presentation #Reaction #Analysis

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