Wake Up Call ⏰ // Answer the Call (Part 3)

3 years ago

Purpose can save your life!

Career vs Calling
Career is decided, calling is discovered.
Career is natural, calling is supernatural.
Career can change, calling does not.
Career is for money, calling is for eternity
Career is your ambition, calling is your mission
Career is the platform, calling is the purpose
“Career is what you’re paid to do, calling is what you are made to do.” Brian Houston

Leverage your platform to fulfill your purpose I don’t want to lose my platform by using it for God’s kingdom! (Abraham and Isaac; Esther and Jews)

Be like water, looks for small hole to get out. Don't be like rock, right, never gets out! Fluid! Inspiration is not enough, salvation is the goal.

Your platform will be forgotten if it's not leveraged for your purpose

Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before Me.” But Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord… Jonah 1:1-3

1. When you’re running from your CALL, you’re running from GOD.
Jonah did not want to do it. I don’t want to suffer for years.

A. Disobedience is not limited to doing something that harms you…it's also doing something that harms others.

B. Disobedience to God’s call puts those around you in danger.

First Adam vs last Adam (1 Cor.15:45), miraculous beginning, perfect, head of humanity, giver of life, deep sleep produced a wife, garden, reached his hand, my will, worldwide effect.

C. God’s call on your life is His answer to the cry of the hurting people.

2. Storm did not come to PUNISH SAILORS but to WAKE UP THE SAINT.

A. Hardship is not always a sign of being out God’s call unless you are out of Gods call, then God will use your hardship to redirect you to your calling.
B. God whispers to you in your pleasures, but He is seldomly heard! God screams to you in your pain there He is seldomly ignored. Alarm clock, I have it!

C. Punishment vs discipline: (Heb.12:6)
- Discipline is for children, punishment is for sinners
- Discipline is now, punishment is later
- Discipline is short, punishment is eternal
- Discipline is out of love, punishment is out of wrath
- Discipline is to draw you in, punishment is to separate you

D. It’s not about RELIEF but REPENTANCE. Not rest area but U-TURN!

3. When saints WAKE UP, sailors will WORSHIP.

A. God will give you SUCCESS if you will SACRIFICE your life that SAILORS don't lose theirs in the STORM. (Jesus and Jonah) The only place where success comes before sacrifice is in dictionary.

B. When you lose your life, you will find your whale.

C. Some dream of great revival in the city while others wake up and work hard at revival in the boat. D. Why could God allow these people go to hell? Why would you allow? God is LOOKING for ANY and EVERY opportunity to save people!

#AnswerTheCall #WakeUp #PastorVlad

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