Separation Of Church & State is an OXYMORON

3 years ago

Separation Of Church & State OXYMORON. No Such Thing as Separation of Church and State. It is an Impossibility cannot be done.

Someone's world view will rule our laws, our schools, our media, our gov't. The question is whose, why, and is it right.

The phrase "Separation of Church and State" Has been the big club used to take God, prayer, Bible and 10 commandments out while establishing the religion of secular humanism in our schools, laws, govt and media

Democracy in education Bishop Sheen 1943 The Unifying Principle: Let no one who hates religion falsely think that we can do without religion or that it can be banished from the earth. That is false assumption under which modern pagans work...The choice is not between religion and no religion, but between two religions: a religion from God or a State religion...

There is no such thing as neutral education; that is, education without morality and religion.Religion and morality are not related to education like raisins to a cake, but as a soul to a body. There can be cake without raisins, but there cannot be man without a soul. If education does not inculcate a moral outlook, it will inculcate a materialist or a Communist or a Nazi outlook. Neutrality is absolutely impossible in education. By the mere fact that religious and moral training is neglected, a non-religious, non-morality and by consequence an anti-religious and anti-moral ideology will be developed. 'He that is not with me is against me.' (Matt. 12:30)

The old notion of “no indoctrination,” really meant “no religion,” but instead of “no indoctrination” of faith, it really meant “indoctrination of doubt and unbelief.” And doubt is the accomplice of tyranny; if we educate pagans in one generation, we will educate barbarians in the next. As William Penn said: “Men must be governed by God or they will be ruled by tyrants.”

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