Understanding the Rapture

3 years ago

The Rapture (catching away of the Church) is probably one of the most controversial issues among believers. Some believe in Pre-tribulation. Others believe in Mid-tribulation. And then those who believe in Post tribulation.
At least we can believe in the fact, there will be a Rapture of the believers.
Wisdom and understanding are important to every believer for every believer in order to walk with confidence and faith during these troubled times.
Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore, get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Proverbs 4:7
God never intended for the church to walk in ignorance, but to have knowledge and understanding of His plan for the ages.
If we are going to discuss the relationship of the Church to Israel, we have to start by going to the Old Testament and understanding the role of Israel in the plan of God.

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