6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - February 8th

3 years ago

#6MinuteDaily #EntertainmentNews2022 #CultureCasino

So the 6 Minute daily is your BLAST of entertainment news and pop culture! The show goes LIVE after the 3 minute musical prelude "sound check" It stays up for the current week at least and then gets archived Odysee.

00:00 Sound Check and Shout Outs
03:56 Oscar Snubs and Flubs
04:51 No Trophy When Spider-Man Gets Home
05:04 RIP Robert Blalack - ILM Co-Founder
05:29 "Reach"ing for Season 2
05:45 Branagh Completes a Feat
06:05 Most Expensive Commercial For Most Expensive Show
06:33 TikTok TV?
07:25 The Warner Whining Over CNN Scandal
07:54 Olympic Ratings Down 43% - The World ISN'T Watching
08:14 The Excuses FLOW Like Pravda
08:41 Test Positive? Show is Over Kid
08:55 Spotify is Stuck in a Hole of Their Own Making
09:18 Establishment Darling Neil Young Tells Workers to Bail
09:31 Peloton Claims Another Victim
10:18 Credits and Promotions

Today's Video on the Terrible Conditions for Olympians: https://youtu.be/4Ja4C1e6brw

Don't Miss Today's Tuesday Tirade Entertainment Talk: https://youtu.be/Tz9--f78m7A

Then Check Out Trekkin on Tuesday with Wes Moody tonight: https://www.youtube.com/c/WesMoodyWebcast

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TITLE: 6 Minute Daily - Every Weekday - February 8th

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