Breakthrough in canvassing for accurate voter rolls

3 years ago

The two most important actions ANY concerned citizen can take are a) observing and b) canvassing, which is better described as "evidence collection." So, the question with evidence always involves its admissibility in court. Due to our judicial history over the issue, the Voter Integrity Project - NC has developed a bullet-proof method of collection that will stand up in any voter challenge hearing. Until now, we were worried about any group not following our stringent standards. After a recent conversation with New Mexico attorney, David Clements, we learned something that we show you in this video. The bottom line is the work of NC Audit Force will result in affidavits that will stand up in court, even if the resident refuses to cooperate by signing the canvass form. The key is Federal Court Rule 703, regarding the notes taken by an "expert witness." If that went over your head, don't worry about it... but check out the video anyway!

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