Tactics of Demons - Chains that bind you

3 years ago

Don't let the tactics of the dark workers( Demons ) of the god of this world from Yaldaboath /Samuel who goes by Yahweh , yehova , Elohim Lucifer Baal moloch, Satan and many more names use your weaknesses against you and convince you into taking the mark of the beast 💉💉‼️‼️💉‼️‼️. We all have been targeted that's the way demons work.

The pit is open and the darkest most gruesome demons and fallen angels have been released to destroy people and even the elect. Using your children , job, family, coworkers, technology , finances, everyday things you need here from all angles even food . Let go of the world it's not yours. The pleroma is where your from.

You were once slaves and now have the freewill to choose freedom away from Hell/Realm with the choice of eternal salvation ,fullness and divinity that's been imprisoned and locked 🔐 due to the programming you have been subjected to since the beginning of your creation.

Jesus Christ has all the keys to unlock the bonded chains that have been tied around you.

And Jesus is the Mediator to our Father GOD who is Pistis/Faith. Stop trapping yourselves by saying god that is merely a title. Call him by his name.

When you know My Father you will know My Mother Wisdom Sophia who is the voice in your ear, wind talking to you, gut feeling to stir you to make the right choices in life. She is the holy spirit. She gives you the holy armour once your baptized in water and your spirit is reborn.
Activate Your Divine Spark.

We have given you all the tools necessary to do so the last two years I and Archangel Michael have poured countless hours into giving you the truth and an escape From Hell it's up to you to do the work.

In Jesus I Trust With Jesus I Stand

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army.

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