Justin Trudeau Gets Caught STAGING FAKE Photoshoot To Discredit Truckers Convoy #TruckersForFreedom

3 years ago

YouTube has taken down this video alleging "medical misinformation". I had no idea questioning Justin Trudeau's honesty was medical misinformation. This video had 1500 views when removed, which for a small channel like mine, is a great performance in just a couple days.

He tried to run and hide with totally convenient issues with exposure and tests related to Covid19. Despite being triple vaccinated, booster shots and all, Trudeau felt the need to completely hide from the protesters.

Justin Trudeau got so desperate that he staged a fake photoshoot of an actor posing with a Confederate Flag and other racist flags and paraphernalia, but the idiot used his own personal photographer to take the fake photos.

DONATE to the Truckers and to their sub-charity related to providing clean water for the Indigenous communities in Canada, who have been neglected for decades.


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