gotta take breaks to clear my head (they ain't ever long enough)

3 years ago

i hate being so redundant
comedy is supposed to be fresh
i haven't watched vids in 2 days cos i haven't wanted to
i see myself being capable of quite a bit
frustrating to still be this terrible
if the set ain't goin well, gonna cuss out the devil
i don't wanna be a woman/white/american
the worst part...they think i dunno
i can't memorize shit with this crazy-ass brain of mine
i hate the formula, it bores me
it feels forced and there are too many pretenses
look backward, forward, & upward
i always do that church billboard, who do you think you're talking to
that was for everyone else, i guess
my shit is so much better, what i do on the spot
this massive housing development that i live w/in, i wanna let em in
throwing pills in toilet instead of my emotions/humanity
mfing pansies w/ their 1st world bullshit
going off is funny ain't it
drinking black coffee, i know how bitter i am
angry in a fun way
did yawl see that orwellian bullshit
they're already docile aren't they
i know this flip phone life ain't possible for everybody
if you can't downgrade, fasting would still help
any learning experience is a positive
people have already talked about politics enough
conservative views will be apparent, anyway
thank you for the turn signal, jeep
dis-ease from living in this shit world
gotta do what my original intention set me out to do
dt encouraged me to read the Bible
born again orthodox christian thru stand up comedy, not typical at all
will my tire fall off tonight? stay tuned

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