Wheel Of Time Episode 8 Review Finale - The Eye Of The World Deep Dive Reaction

3 years ago

Wheel of Time Episode 8 is the Finale for The Eye of the World book. Robert Jordan's first book, and Rafe Judkins first abomination. While Rand fights the dark one at the eye of the world, Nynaeve and Egwene fight trollocs with magic they never learnt how to use. Mat's evil, Perrin does nothing, and Loial Dies. Paiden Fain steals the horn of valere, the dagger of Shadar Logoth and there are enough plot holes to sink the Titanic.

Previous Wheel of Time Episode Reviews https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueb9EZPqem8&list=PLI9PNU6AzjT4FRlmb74oyxm8Cum8LZEbu

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Finally we have reached the conclusion, the finale of The Wheel of Time and I'm not sure if it's just my detachment from the show, but it seems far less offensive than the previous episodes. Overall it just continues what they started, and it's VERY predictable, which makes it boring. The fan fiction between the characters and Fal Dara's inevitable saviour means nothing anymore. And Padan Fain even starts preaching Jedi Star Wars beliefs, as the BAD GUY. This show lacked any sense a long time back.

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