#6 Reflection Pool with the Eklund's, an off grid, home schooling family

3 years ago

Matt and Laura Eklund share their insight and perspective about the pandemic narrative. We chat about mandates, media, books, living off grid, home schooling and more. They are a beautiful family and I am very honored to have them on the podcast. (Note at the 13:12 mark Laura said 72% not 2%)

Books Laura mentioned www.fourthturning.com and www.shoshanazuboff.com www.raisingfreepeople.com and also www.robinwallkimmerer.com


A video from Melissa Red Pill the World, her bitchute channel https://www.bitchute.com/video/0ipuUNKbECNk/

Her Book https://www.amazon.com/End-Times-1000-Years-Peace/dp/B08Y5QN5DF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3HG2A3KRKXOH8&keywords=end+of+times+1000+years+of+peace&qid=1644300145&sprefix=end+of+times%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-1

For more information, links to music, films and to support Joe on patreon, here are his pages https://www.joerosaticollective.com and https://joerosati.bandcamp.com

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