Mandatory Vaccinations: Be true to your conviction

3 years ago

The current popular narrative wants you to believe that all you have to do is to get a particular injection now, in exchange for securing your contract, your job, the privilege to continue your studies and entertainment benefits.

Gerhard Papenfus is the Chief Executive of the National Employers' Association of South Africa (NEASA)

What will happen if you enter into a transaction with your toddler along the following lines:
You can have this piece of candy now
You can have one million rand in twenty years time
What will the toddler’s response be?
Of course he will choose the candy now.
I compare this with the narrative currently overwhelming many parts of the world.
I’m talking about the narrative that in exchange for securing your contract, your job, the privilege to
continue your studies and entertainment benefits, all you have to do is to get a particular injection
Of course, this is a false and very dangerous proposition
If you are one of those who see through this, whether you are a businessman, a worker or a student,
remember this:
Be true to your conviction
If it requires sacrifice of certain apparent benefits now, then sacrifice!
Do what is right
Follow your conscience
Think of this: It is better to fail in a course that will ultimately succeed, than to succeed in a course
that will ultimately fail.
The current narrative will eventually fail
And those who drive it will go down with it

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