Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022 | IrnieracingNews

3 years ago

Information has been leaked from multiple credible sources that the Canadian (riot) police are likely to come in force to Ottawa for mass arrests of peaceful freedom protesters. Concurrently, the authorities will shut down all cell service, causing a black out in communications. These actions may come between now and a few days. Police officers on the side of civil rights are being pulled out of the city with no further explanation.

Mention is made how all the police officers who prioritized their paycheck over their oath, could not look the protesters in the eyes.

The protesters are requesting all Canadians to consider and prepare coming to Ottawa to join in the protest, especially if they notice a social media blackout, because this will be a sign that the police actions are likely to have begun. There is strength in numbers.

If there is one time in your life to fight for your liberal democratic rights and those of your family and children, it is now.

The protesters have some of the best scientists and doctors in the world on their side and even in the room, such as dr. Paul E. Alexander and dr. Roger Hodkinson. Other supporters are dr. Byram Bridle and dr. Rochagné Kilian. The government tyrants know very well that their draconian mandates are anti-scientific and disproportional.

I've watched the entire press conference and am highly impressed with these citizen's courage, integrity, strength, intelligence, knowledge, reasonableness, poise and eloquence. I've lost an enormous amount of trust in humanity over the past two years, but these people are giving me back some hope.

Go truckers! Go Canadians! Hold the line.


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