Getting Intimate - Debbie Marielle Elzea.

3 years ago

Debbie Marielle Elzea, J.D, NLC, Sexuality Specialist,
Mother, Sensual Explorer, Blissfully Married Woman

Debbie Marielle Elzea = Intimacy Specialist, Helping women create loving, sexy relationships with their beloved....and themselves!!

Debbie says:
I wasn't always a turned-on, sexy and cherished woman; it's been a journey!! Like so many of us, I've grown up in a culture that shames rather than celebrates female sexuality, been assaulted, harassed, and lived a sexless marriage.

You are not broken and neither was I; we are strong, loving, and empowered! Life may hand us lemons, and that is not our fault...but it is up to us to make lemonade!

Regardless of your history, you are capable of creating and enjoying life’s greatest joy: a blissful, connected, intimate relationship and sex life. It’s my profession, pleasure and passion to help you shed your sexual frustration, shame or emptiness, and find your bliss.

If you are in an unfulfilling or shaky relationship now, as the woman, you have the power and ability to create sexual excitement and connection with the man you have! The grass is greener....where you water it!

So many relationship challenges and pain are based upon misunderstandings of fundamental male-female differences. I've been a student of the 'male mind' since reading Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, decades ago. Contemporary thought and therapy puts little or negative value on the fact that men and women are instinctually very different...and bring different gifts and needs into the relationship, and into the bedroom. I help women understand and appreciate that their husband is not a big, hairy woman, who is misbehaving! So that they treat him in a way, that makes him want to be her hero.

If your man is like many, sex is the way he feels and expresses love; and if he is like most, he desires nothing more in the world than for his woman to be truly enthusiastic about being with him. A loved-up man then gives his woman the emotional intimacy she craves. If your man needs to improve in the lover department, you'll learn your needs and how to communicate them to your man in a way that feels loving and connected and not critical. You need not even tell your man what you are up to; he can just delight in your transformation! "




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