CORONAVIRUS 'CASES': How They Have Distorted The Definition Of A 'Case'

2 years ago

Covid-19 'Case's has become a terror word for people. Listen to the
top Epidemiologist, in conversation with Ratna, Creator of Empire Diaries

Who is a patient? And who is a 'case'? When can you label an infection as a 'disease'? "For the first time in the history of public health, the definition of 'case' is changed rather distorted!"

Of course with a hidden agenda. And this pandemic which has got a mortality rate of as low as 0.5% is based on this definition of 'case'

WHO, CDC, ICMR all working together to distort the definition of 'case' for fearmongering. They have demonised science.

How? Know science, follow science. Not organisations funded by Big Pharma!

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