2202-02-08 Todays The Right Overnight News

3 years ago

Special Presentation: A bit later today I will present a special Idiot's Guide presentation to the Nord Stream 2, natural gas pipeline, based on my experience in European Natural Gas trading. Don't worry, it won't be boring.

Please go to the blog homepage, https://therightovernightnews.wordpress.com/ to find the link to the video and written text in an hour from this broadcast. https://therightovernightnews.wordpress.com/

The Gateway Pundit: Man Who Rammed Car into Winnipeg Freedom Convoy Protesters is Antifa Activist David Zegarac

He tried to kill four people with his car. Another violent act of a religious zealot. (As an aside, I should mention that CNN is announcing that violence has been caused by some of the truckers in Canada, and all the while they seem to ignore the billions of damage and some loss of life due to the Antifa riots. ) https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/update-man-rammed-car-winnipeg-freedom-convoy-protesters-antifa-activist/

Olympic misery: dirty rooms, bad food and, oh no!, poor internet speeds.

Complaints emerging out of the Chinese Genocide Olympics. In addition to these first-world problems, there seems to be mistreatment of people in order to cow them into poor performances. This is implied in some of the reporting. (In truth, I am surprised there are not more complaints). https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/dirty-rooms-bad-food-no-internet-olympic-athletes-complain-poor-living-condition-quarantine-facility/

DailyCaller: Headline Announcer sent home?

It is suggested that Mike Tirico made two comments that the Chinese regime didn't like. One was the Uyghur genocide and the other was that China was where the virus came from. Oops! https://dailycaller.com/2022/02/07/mike-tirico-returning-early-olympics-nbc-china-genoice-comments/

Breitbart: Schools Across America Observe BLM’s ‘Week of Action,’ Sparking Outrage Among Parents

“Globalism,” “Queer Affirming,” “Trans Affirming,” and “Black Villages,” ... among other anti-American policies being taught to children. This is too much. I do not discriminate against Gays or Trans, but promoting the life of this small minority seems to be out of hand lately. The general idea of hating American values needs to be inspected. No wonder teachers are suspected in many cases. https://www.breitbart.com/education/2022/02/07/schools-across-america-observe-blm-week-action-sparking-outrage-parents/

Breitbart: The Curious instance of the disappearing journalist at the Olympics.

I have heard a few different versions. One was that the Danish journalist was in a busy intersection and was being asked politely to move. Another was that he was being told to move because the background was ugly and not what the CCP wanted to be seen on TV. So many questions, but note that it is very possible that this might be totally misconstrued by everyone. I.e., I won't defend the Chinese for most things, but I tend to believe their side about this story. https://www.breitbart.com/asia/2022/02/07/china-thugs-disappearing-journalist-on-camera-at-olympics-reasonable-and-justified/

TGP: New NYC Mayor Adams seeks to change eating habits of schools in New York.

Eric Adams wants more plant-based food to be given to students, to fight climate change as well as other reasons. Good luck with that, Mr Mayor. It is being regarded as foolhardy and hardly a major issue, unlike the spiraling crime issue. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/got-get-new-yorkers-eat-plant-based-centered-life-nyc-mayor-adams-serving-inedible-vegan-slop-school-kids-video/

Racism Inside ESPN? Project Veritas to Drop Undercover Video Exposing Blatantly Racist Sh*t Inside ESPN - Tomorrow at 8 PM EST

I am a fan of Project Veritas, and look forward to this report. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/racism-inside-espn-project-veritas-drop-undercover-video-exposing-blatantly-racist-sht-inside-espn-tomorrow-8-pm-est/

TGP: Why Are Many of the Pro-Ukrainian Pundits and Politicians in the US Using the Russian Pronunciation of Kiev?

After Ukraine left the USSR in the early 1990s with the demise of Soviet hegemony, the people of Ukraine ceased using the Russian pronunciation of the city of Kiev and other locations. In fact, the Ukrainian language (a bit more similar to Slovakian) spells the capital city Kyiv, and pronounces it as Kee-iv. But TGP points out that it is oddly being pronounced a few different ways. Its like some say Beijing for the main city of China, and some are still using Peking. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/many-pro-ukrainian-pundits-politicians-us-using-russian-pronunciation-kiev/

TGP: Peter Thiel leaves the Board of Facebook to help Trump-aligned candidates.

This billionaire has picked winners before, and this is a very interesting and important move. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/02/billionaire-peter-thiel-step-facebook-board-support-president-trump-aligned-candidates-2022/

ZeroHedge: Ex-CIA Officer Asks: What Happens When America Experiences Real War With A Superpower?

This is one for the Hawks versus Doves. A rational approach to the USA's involvement in the internal affairs of other countries. I.e., DON"T. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/ex-cia-officer-asks-what-happens-when-america-experiences-real-war-superpower

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