The Humanley Show - Interview with Paul Hellier

3 years ago

Paul Hellier is the Founder and CEO of Fair Food Forager and the Co-Founder of the Peloton Against Plastic. An ocean lifeguard turned environmental scientist, who specialised in coastal processes and natural area management. In 2015 he founded the tech start up, fair food forager. The only mobile app in the world (26 countries) dedicated to sustainability in the food system with its own ethical social media. The app crowd sources; farmers markets, co-ops, cafes, bulk-foods stores and restaurants that are reducing their impact on the planet according to the apps 18 sustainability categories. Fair Food Forager also has its own podcast focusing on health, wellness and connecting to nature. In 2018 Paul teamed up with Jamie Lepre to film and produce the award winning documentary, the Peloton Against Plastic, a light hearted documentary on making a difference, travel and good times.

Paul joins me to talk about his perspectives on the damaging effects of plastic on the environment, his award winning documentary "Peloton Against Plastic", the devastating effects of monocrop farming on the environment, pesticide and herbicide use, re-connecting with native plants and farming practices, as well as how to build a more sustainable future by utilizing permaculture and regenerative farming practices.

Check out Pauls' website here;

Watch Pauls' documentary "Peloton Against Plastic" here;

Disclaimer: This podcast is for general information purposes only. It does not constitute as health advice and does not take the place of consulting with your primary health care practitioner. The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest speaker and do not necessarily reflect those of Humanley, the presenter or any other entities or third parties associated with Humanley or the presenter. The right to freedom of opinion is the right to hold opinions without interference, and cannot be subject to any exception or restriction. We encourage the audience to use their critical judgement and use due diligence when interpreting the information and topics discussed in this podcast.

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