Dead Men Walking 2021 Year End Review: Gabe Rench CrossPolitic, Cultish Show, Steave Deace BlazeTV

3 years ago

2021 was a phenomenal year for Dead Men Walking, and it brought many fantastic guests and moments. We want to thank each of our listeners for sticking with us and sharing the podcast with your friends for yet another year. This is our second annual year end in review podcast where Greg and Jason pick out a few clips from over the past year and play them for you with comment. If you have not heard these particular episodes, we encourage you to go back and listen, as they will be a blessing to you as they were to us. After Jason gives a life changing personal announcement, we have featured in this episode (in order) on this episode: Pastor Tom Ascol, Steave Deace of Blaze TV, Pastor Joe Boot, Dr. Andrew Sandlin, Pastor Dale Partridge, and Pastor Josh Buice. Enjoy!

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