Mario's Emotional Knot: A Story and Game about Processing and Communicating Emotions

3 years ago

Mario is having a rough day. He is upset and not feeling like himself, but he doesn't understand why. His emotions are so jumbled up that he doesn't know where one feeling ends and another begins. The school counselor helps Mario by explaining that there is a gap between his brain and heart. You think and process information in your brain, but you feel in your heart. When you speak, you connect the two together to let out the pent-up emotion. Mario feels MUCH better after talking about what has been going on.
The game has prompts to help children process emotions and communicate them verbally. Kids will be able to verbally communicate what they are feeling, why they are feeling it, and what the triggers were. To answer, they will likely use an "I statement", which will normalize using assertive communication. It also helps to develop an emotional vocabulary. This is a great resource for kiddos with big emotions but struggle with communicating what they are experiencing.
You can find the game here:

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