A House Divided: A Book/Game about Divorce

3 years ago

A House Divided is about a girl’s journey through her parents’ divorce. It starts with the strain of fighting on the family and how her parents grew apart. She then experiences sharing her time between two homes. Her parents recognize her sadness and try to make things better by taking her to fun places and giving her gifts.

She has many emotions as she processes the changes that have happened in her world. It takes some time, but she learns to cope with the changes and her heart opens to loving new people who are introduced to her family. At the end of the story, mom meets someone new and a stepdad is introduced.

The game allows children to reflect on their own stories and the changes they have experienced. Each child will have a unique perspective and experiences, and each family has unique dynamics. The game provides an outlet for reflecting on how the family interacts and which struggles they are experiencing.

This story/game combo could be used in individual, group, or family counseling sessions or utilized by families who want their children to process family changes in a healthy way. The story sets the stage and presents the concepts discussed in the game.

The game/book is coming soon to www.pathwaystopeacecounseling.com.

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