How To: Smoked Turkey Legs on a Weber Charcoal Grill, Easy Cooking Recipe

3 years ago

Hi! In this video, I show you a super-easy way to smoke turkey legs on a Weber Charcoal grill. The Weber Kettle is the easiest charcoal grill to cook on. Many people tend to overthink on issues like smoking on a weber kettle, or any charcoal grill, brine or no brine, how to brine poultry, sauce or no sauce, etc. Sometimes I brine, sometimes I don't. I usually save the brining for a whole bird, as I do not find it necessary to brine a leg or a wing. My cooking videos are a bit unique, in that my aim is to show you how to do less overthinking, and prove that it is not an exact science! Enjoy!

Music: Turn Up The Watts
Musician: Jason Shaw

This is an easy recipe, cooking recipe fun, cooking recipe easy, tasty and easy food recipe, cooking, cooking videos, how to use a charcoal grill, how to bbq, bbq right, food recipes easy, how to use a weber charcoal grill, how to cook that, howtocookthat, How To Cook That, smoked turkey legs, how to smoke meat, how to smoke on a charcoal grill

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