Why call the "Religion of Woke" a cult

3 years ago

Why and how WOKE became the religion of the left. The Religious Cult of Woke is based on indoctrination to cultural-Marxism dogma rather than experienced ‘Significant Emotional Events’ (SEE).

This radical theology holds as tenets that all of society’s problems have root causes in White Privilege, White Supremacy, bigotry of heterosexuals, the “Patriarchy”, and Systemic racism.

Tenets of this religious cult such as “white privilege”, “systemic racism”, the causes of wealth inequality, “The Pay Gap”, etc., are never allowed to be questioned. Those who dare question these beliefs are subjected to harassment and persecution, even to the point of being “canceled” from social media, their bank accounts closed, and their lives and families threatened.

The cult’s followers include, liberals, socialists, social justice warriors, progressives, post-modernists, neo-marxists, “woke” academics, Antifa members, and poststructuralists. Many of these individuals would swear they are atheists, yet their lives are structured and lived in manners identical to other cults:
1. No questioning of dogma is allowed.
2. Attack the heretics.
3. Ignore any and all facts that disprove dogma.
4. Listen to sermons from the high priests and priestesses.
5. Group recital of catechism and prayer.
6. Blind obedience to high priests and priestesses.
7. Signal virtue and purity of beliefs to other cult members.
8. Demand penance from any cult member perceived to have “strayed.”
9. Attack the symbols of non-cult groups.
10. Frequently recite the catechisms of the religion.
11. Ignore science.
12. Ignore human nature.
13. When cornered by facts divert discussion to another topic as quickly as possible.
14. Refuse to rationally discuss dogma with non-believers
15. And most importantly… Attack the Heretics and non-believers. Physical attacks are acceptable to Woke cultists who believe that “Words are Violence”.

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