Licensing Your Own Money

2 years ago

The technocrats are promoting the Circular Economy model, where "you will own nothing and be happy". In this model, you will not own anything; you will merely license it. Say, for instance, your washing machine breaks down. The company will replace it free of charge, because you never owned it. You licensed it. We're already being eased into this model with e-books. You thought you bought it. But it turns out that Amazon can yank any books you have on your e-reader off your reading device without your consent. Or, as Barnes and Noble did, change the text in your books without your knowledge. . . . Central Banks are looking to institute digital currencies. In issuing these, they will set new rules. They will be able to remotely dictate how you use your money; or, if you step out of line, they can shut it off altogether. If you no longer have control over your money and someone else can shut it off, doesn't that mean that you no longer own your own money, but are merely licensing it?

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Daniel Natal Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:
1) Circular Economy:

2) Catherine Austin Fitts:

3) Aaron Russo's documentary:

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