Welcome to 1968... Again.

3 years ago

This video was created in May of 2020 when riots and claims of "Systemic Racism" were destroying cities in the U.S. The riots will return in again in 2022 and 2024. Why? Because when Democrats begin losing control cities burn. And those cities that constantly echo with cries of "Systemic Racism?" Yeah... virtually all of those have been controlled by Democrats for DECADES.

When Cities Burn... It’s 1968 all over again. In 1968 riots occurred in over 150 cities in the US. The reasons and blame given in 1968 are identical to the reasons given today. Maybe it's time to ask why change hasn't happened in these cities.

Democrats have spent decades doing everything but fixing the cities they control, as those cities
decayed before their very eyes. Their actions have left the poorest and most vulnerable of society to suffer grinding poverty, drug abuse, crime, and homelessness; leaving those individuals feeling completely hopeless.

Democrats controlling cities drove off manufacturers, allowed drugs to destroy their youth - sometimes even passing laws that encourage drug use, they destroyed low income housing and replaced it with high priced condos, they implemented rent controls that eliminated any incentives for landlords to fix tenements.

They turned a blind eye to bad cops and crime while collecting millions in campaign contributions from Police Unions. Democrats fight desperately against giving minorities an opportunity to escape from the floundering schools in many urban areas while collecting millions in donations from teacher’s unions.

And while doing all this they recently discovered the glories of encouraging useless virtue signaling such as tearing down historical monuments that were reminders of the racism endemic to the Democratic party for decades.

Apparently Democrats hope that the world will forget. Unfortunately for them, the internet never forgets.

License Source FILE NAME
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AudionBlocks.com fire-wood-crackle-break_GyxsxvN_.wav
FootageFirm.com 30004-10.mov
TubeTape.com Explosion.wav
FootageFirm.com 38005-20.mov

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