3 years ago

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In this video, Sample Sound Review does a quick walkthrough, review, and preset Playthrough of USYNTH by Ujam.

Synthesizers done the UJAM way – sound design and perform with ease. Say hello to a new universe of creative expression! No more scrolling through hundreds of presets in a generic synth looking for the perfect starting point for a lead, or spending hours working on a single patch you’ll only use for 4 bars of an entire song. The faster you create, the more rapidly you’ll improve as a producer.

Future retro waves
Usynth 2080 makes it faster and easier than ever to create a diverse range of synthwave sounds. No knowledge of digital audio theory or sound design principles are needed to get a fantastic-sounding result with little to no hassle.

Buttery, sweet and warm
Usynth Caramel comes with all the rich, lush pad sounds you could ever want. Creating dreamy ambient soundscapes is easy, with the heavy lifting done behind the scenes (wavetable selection, unison, effects and far more), meaning less time spent on sound design and more time spent finishing songs!

Usynth Euphoria makes it faster than ever to create raging and lyrical EDM lead synths alike, without filtering through tons of context menus, waveforms and shaping tools that are far too complicated for you to fully use. Anything in Electronic Dance Music is fair game!

Try Usynth 30 days free, simply download or open the UJAM App to start the trial for 2080, Euphoria or Caramel.

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