Airbnb Commies Ban Malkin, LTC Scheller Speaks Out, Mask Damage on Kids, Unvaxxed called Crazy

3 years ago

Today on the Stew Peters Show, Michelle Malkin blasts RINOs for ignoring Airbnb's banning of her husband and her over her Christian faith and fiery conservative views.

You can support her legal defense by clicking here:

Former Marine Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller blasts the military over dishonorably discharging vaccine refusers, and for the pointless wars which killed thousands of young soldiers.

Dr. Jane Ruby shares a study which proves that parents, teachers, and doctors are abusing kids when they force mask them.

And, Shamgar Connors is back after Inside Edition did a shameless hit piece on him for refusing to get jabbed to stay on the list for a kidney transplant.

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