"Expander" • Stage 7-2 (Expanded & Enhanced) - STREETS OF RAGE 2

2 years ago

DOWNLOAD THIS SONG: https://soundcloud.com/maestrodraven/expander-expanded-enhanced
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I always loved what I did on this track years ago, but I had to lift a lot of the samples directly from the VGM to achieve the remix. This time, every instrument in the song has been completely rewritten from the ground up; the purpose being to learn how Motohiro Kawashima built this song out. Needless to say, both he and Yuzo Koshiro are immense talents that pushed the boundaries of what the Genesis was capable of - and then some. Every stop was pulled out, and every rabbit yanked out until there was nothing left in the hat, and I've learned a LOT by rebuilding this track from scratch. The expanded section is something that came to me through sheer creative inspiration, and I remember writing it out in less than 2 hours. Glad to be able to revisit it for the final time with this V3.0 remix, perfectly balanced exactly to my precise specifications.

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