Freedom Convoy Has Been Peaceful: Just Give Canadians Their Freedom Back And We'll Leave'

2 years ago

Just Make of it what you may. This is How We Are Always Divided
OTTAWA, Ontario – Truckers at the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa said they will stay put until they are confident the Canadian government will roll back federal vaccine and mask mandates.

The convoy began Jan. 23 and culminated with hundreds of thousands of demonstrators arriving in Ottawa, Canada's capital, on Jan. 29 to protest the mandates. Many truckers were have remained parked in the same places since the weekend in below freezing temperatures, honking their horns and revving their engines.
"We're all brothers in this together, and we're here for one cause, and that's the fight for the freedoms of Canadians and for Canada itself," one trucker, Andrew, told Fox News.
Mat, who has been parked directly outside the Parliament building, said he is demonstrating for every Canadian's freedom.

"Whatever it is that you decide to do, we're not anti-vax, we're not anti-anything other than anti-mandate … The message is freedom for every Canadian," Mat told Fox News.
Another trucker, Eric, said: "Until we get the confidence that our government has heard us and is willing to make changes for the people, we're not leaving, we're not going anywhere."

"That's why I'm here, and we're here for freedom, for what's right for the people, not what's right for the government," he told Fox News.

Andrew, referring to his parking spot outside of Parliament, said: "I would give this real estate up for my freedom. When [Canadian President Justin Trudeau] says he's going to lift all mandates, I will gladly go home to be with my family, my grandkids, my pets."

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