Isnt (The Boss) from Metal Gear Solid 3 (MGS3) a traitor all the way

2 years ago

Part about being a villain is to obviously give them motives that isnt all black and white and to make them seem compelling. But on one hand, i just cant get the whole speech about her being a patriot when she literally sold herself out to USSR. Thats legit treason. I mean the whole "What is an absolute enemy" is itself a interesting philosophical ideas... but the actions still says treason all the way, cmon. You cant call that a patriot. Thats like me calling myself a patriot for working for a foreign nation that is to try to undermine another nation.

At best, you could write something like, "World peace needs to happen somehow", eh something with sturring conflict for it to go somewhere, that to me would feel more compelling but instead you get nothing.

But i do like MGS3 as a game, i guess i just cant take in the story as i used too.

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