PLZ Share to Ottawa Freedom Convoy - Police Explain Their Tactics (Board Meeting)

2 years ago

This was from the 5-Feb-2022 Ottawa Police Board Meeting.

I've provided the timestamps with the most relvant info summarised of what the police desribe about their planned tactics in the coming days. I've added my thoughts and suggestions at the bottom. If anyone can share with the organisers of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy, I'd be most grateful.
1:05:45 Baseball Stadium : Deputy Ferguson basically describes the area as a "staging" and "refulling area" and they're seeking avenues in the law to enforce the law such as using fire departments to potentally remove "hazardous material" to "make sure it's rendered safe".

44:20 Dissmantling & confiscating: Deputy Bell describes their "dissmantling" tactics & potentally confiscating large amounts of items. "The vast amount of evidence that we could be steal.. um, sourcing or taking in".

24:40 : Chief Sloly says the Mayor shut down the GoFundMe program but now the funds are going in a different direction and that they are now going after fuel and supplies.

1:44:15 Mayor Declaring State of Emergency : Police's legal advice, Mr White says, "Does not embue the Mayor or city with additional extra legal authority"

MY MESSAGE TO THE ORGANISERS: Please be careful with any storage or stockpile of fuel jerycans or propane tanks. It sounds like police are looking for any excuse to make a repeat of last night and try and use the fire department to confiscate fuel. My idea would be to maybe store only a few jerycans or propane tanks safely locked away in many, many trucks, trailers or vehicles spread widely apart throughout the place. If fuel is stored safely out of view, hopefully it can't be confiscated for any fire safety reasons.

I'm really glad to see the new payment page:
I've donated myself. Considering the GoFundMe page got shut down so easily I'd think it wise to offer a multiple payment platforms that wherever possible are based outside of CA or USA or use encryption so that if the if CA or USA police shut down the new page there are still other options. Personally I've used crypto currency (Bitcoin, Etherium, ect) for years.
Personally I'd reccomend either setting up your own private bitcoin wallet or a relaible company managed wallet that doesn't have any of your personal data such as Electrum (which I've used for years). To convert the bitcoin into dollars you'll need to use a local Canadian online crypto exchange which will require your personal ID or banking info to transfer into your bank account. I'd reccomend not keeping any large amounts in your local Canadian crypto exchange just incase worst case scenario police or the exchange freezes your account. It's safest to try and transfer some smaller transactions from your bitcoin wallet (or electrum) through the Canadian crypto exchange to your bank account or you can transfer to many different bank accounts so long as each person set's up and account with a local crypto exchange.

I'm not reccomending to do anything illegal but if there is threat of arrest supplying essential services such as food or fuel (to stay warm) it maybe worth using covert tactics. Possibly multiple groups arriving from different sides at similar times co-ordinating over phone to find the best angle also some could carrying fuel and some not. Some could be decoys or come with empty jerycans. Maybe while try when dark or if not then maybe in the day when there are so many people around that a quick refil could be done. Other possibilites are potentially driving in a few regular vehicles that blend with the city traffic and could be parked not to far away for just a quick refil. Even groups going in on foot with fuel in large water bottles might work. Might be worth stating it's for medical nessesity if you get arrested (or at least running this by your lawyer). I'd assume fuel, food and water are medical nessesities in if in a vehicle in freezing temperatures.

Lastly it seems the police and their board members are really wanting a quiet time at night for city residental areas. The power of this negotiation is in your hands. Don't be affraid to set your demands in trade of a potential quiet time. An example might be to set your demand to say we want no arrests for bringing in medical nessesities of fuel food and water in trade for agreed quiet time as night. Tell them up front that if they break their promise then we can't guarantee any quiet time at night.

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