7@7 #113: Testifying Trust 1

3 years ago

What if your prayers were answered today? How would you react? Pastor/Professor Andrew Marquez considers a trust in God that testifies to others. Daniel 6:18-23 tells what happened to Darius and Daniel after Daniel was thrown to the lions. Darius' hope is realized after a night of distress, unrest, and dismay. After an evening of turmoil, fasting, and grief, Darius approaches the lions' den at first light. He learns of a surprising salvation. Daniel lives! Dairus pronounces an elated explanation testifying to the God of Daniel--the God who saves. We can learn a lot about prayer from this passage. Even pagan kings place their hope in God. Do we pray in faith? Do we pray with fasting and intensity? Most importantly, do we give praise to God for answered prayer? We serve a God Who saves. Let us give Him the praise He is due by testifying of His glory among the nations.

Dr. Andrew Marquez is Director/Dean of Wayland Baptist University's Arizona Campuses (www.wbu.edu/arizona) and Executive Pastor of North Swan Baptist Church (www.northswanbaptist.com).

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