It's Ok, New Christians Wobble

3 years ago

Christians, just like everyone else on the planet, tend to compare themselves to the superheroes. We take our beginner efforts and compare those efforts to Moses parting the Red Sea. That's crazy and really discouraging. You'' never enjoy the journey to heaven if you keep doing things like that. You will always feel little and insignificant.

New Christians wobble and stumble. The gap between the beginner and the experienced is a big gap. Experiences bible students have spent years honing their study skills. A Christian pilgrim does not gain twenty years of experience in a week. A Christian gains twenty years of experience by putting in twenty years fighting Satan, resisting sin, and meditating on heaven.

You cannot excel in Christ in an instant. Yes, you can be saved in an instant, but you cannot gain a lifetime of experience in an instant. So, keep your eyes on heaven, keep reading your bible, praying, and meditating, and in time (if you honestly apply yourself) you will grow. Be patient.

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