Telegram Talk 14. Islamic Financial Dawah, Money Myths / Natural Law & The 7 laws of Noah

2 years ago

Video Timestamps - Part 1
0:00 Start
00:01:45 Part 1 : $16.6B foreign spend on US universities to buy what?
00:07:50 Funding from Muslim nations, radicalising Americans
00:09:00 Islamic money subverting the US education system, K-12+
00:10:25 University foreign money misreporting. Why does the US allow this money?
00:11:45 Bin Laden family, missing from the Saudi rich list
00:12:00 World rich list, Saudi missing
00:13:00 Rothschild wealth. Fact vs fiction. Walmart owners are 1000x wealthier
00:21:15 Wrapping up, Muslim university funding vs Israel
00:24:30 Sharia banking and finance
00:28:00 British Royal Family
00:31:30 A constitution for a moral and religious people
00:33:00 Yuri Bezmenov
00:35:00 George Bush, Islam is peace
00:36:30 Israel vs the world. Looking at the map.

Part 2
00:40:10 Natural Law and the Biblical Laws of Noah
00:40:35 Does religion cause wars? No, that's a lie. The statistics. Islam does, however.
00:44:00 WW1 vs the Crusades - 24 000 deaths a day for 4 years
00:53:15 The Laws of Noah
01:20:00 John 8:44 - the source of Gnostic and other Jew hatred
01:30:00 Does the Talmud teach death to non-Jews for reading Torah? No.

Critical Islamic law (Sharia) resource: Reliance of the Traveller, with Appendix W -

The Hedaya: Commentary on the Islamic Laws - Vol 2

Useful and Related files on Islam

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