Top reasons 2022 will be the year of all supply chain crisis

3 years ago

Port delays due to congestion, quarantines, and shortages of labor and material have the effect of reducing the global supply of available ocean transport.
Half the country got paid to stay at home for six months and ordered a bunch of stuff from China.
When governments worldwide forced lockdowns on their populations, they knew full well what the outcome would be.
Way too many charts to try to explain what is ACTUALLY a planned collapse of the global economic Ponzi.
There is an ocean of empty promises in the world. Government bonds, corporate bonds, stocks, CDSs, CDOs, public and private pensions, real estate loans, student loans, car loans, credit card debt etc. that can NEVER be satisfied.
Only the illusion of "sustainable growth" keeps the mirage from fading but fade it will.
Supply chain issues are only worsening. Global companies will be raising our prices 2 to 3 the normal annual hike due to our costs, supply chain fiasco and short on help. That will all get passed down to the little guy. Energy prices are going to be exponentially higher which will only throw more fuel onto the inflation fire. But the market has been so disconnected from reality who knows how it will actually play out.
Remember inflation is transitory according to the Fed.
But the real Bloodbath starts in April. You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet.
The "global oligarch", Russian billionaire entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska in his Telegram channel spoke about the reasons why America is doomed.
"America can certainly dream that President Xi Jinping will make too many mistakes in the near future or the Chinese bureaucracy will rebel.
The US would like to buy some time, but China cannot be stopped: financial technologies and the digital yuan will provide it with an advantage in global trade, especially when dollar settlements are seriously complicated by sanctions obligations , and a potential reunification with Taiwan in 2025-2026 will not only solve the remaining technological problems, but also make the Pacific Ocean an internal Chinese reservoir.
So, imperceptibly, the American dream can become an American tragedy. But, of course, this will not make it easier for us in that new world, where China is no longer a kind teddy panda, but a strong dragon.
I would very much like to see an updated strategy of Russia in Asia with a serious acceleration in the development of those regions beyond the Ural Ridge, taking into account the new role of China."
This generation will face planned economic collapse, relentless inflation, depopulation , probably mass starvation and a push toward a world wide tyranny. I guess we are going back to step one, hard times.
The great majority of Boomers finished high school after 1970. They graduated into an economy with sky-high interest rates: mortgages 12%-15% or

more. The Arab oil embargo crashed employment. Then it was the economic idiocy of the Carter years. Most of that applies to the Greatest Generation in the years after WWII, not to the saintly Boomers, who are keeping the economy running for now.

10,000 baby boomers retire each day. They have the skills and experience. The supply chain is only going to get worse. As millennials have no skills, nor work ethic to take over.

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