We Are Taking Your Rights Away. Canadian Charter Of Rights Say We Can't but We'll Take Them Anyway

2 years ago

"The Man who asks a question is a fool for a minute. The man who does not ask is a fool life".
If the mandate stands, there could be an estimated 32,000 truckers taken off the road at a time when supply chains are begging for relief. The irony of the mandate in regards to truckers is that most of these drivers spend up to 16 hours a day in their cab, which essentially amounts to a quarantine.

I don’t know the reason behind this maniacal demand for vaccination but in my mind there can only be two reasons: money and/or power. There is little doubt that this pandemic has put billions of dollars into the pockets of the already rich and given power to a few medical elitists such as Dr. Fauci, who continues to spew his “follow the science” edict which, in fact, is the science of Dr. Fauci and a few select medical authorities, all of which bow at the alter of progressive ideology.

Even though Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau considers this Freedom Convoy a small and insignificant fringe movement, he may want to look back on history as the King of England considered the colonists a rag tag band of rebels in 1776, only to find out that when it comes to individual freedom solidarity is all powerful.

It’s time to end this madness. We’ve been through two years of masks, social distancing, vaccines with boosters, isolation and COVID is still with us in one form or another, proving that the government doesn’t have the answer as President Biden himself publicly stated a few months ago. So let’s remove mandates and live as we did pre-COVID.

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