✔#Benefits of a #healthy life

3 years ago

Benefits of a healthy life
The benefits of healthy living are numerous for people. Will not be! that's why! need to describe them exhaustively! because we all know how satisfying it is to feel healthy! so! on the contrary, how painful it is to feel sick.

However! the benefits of a healthy life don't stop there. Health costs are increasingly unaffordable for people! either directly or indirectly through your taxes that are channeled to the National Health Service.

There are studies that show! clearly for every dollar invested in prevention! we may have a substantial return in savings from curative health treatments.

That is! the priority of investment should be channeled towards disease prevention! On the other hand, the social and economic costs caused by illness in terms of absenteeism from work! between others! have a very significant weight! with increasing expenditure on social protection.

So my friend! is watching this video! go ahead never give up on your dream try to always live better! the obstacle ´´is surmountable yes! tell yourself every day! it's possible!

Difficulties we all face but pass one at a time! I want to live very healthy! very much! but always remember if you are still healthy! that was a dream yesterday, today it will start to come true! ! go after what you read makes you happy always! happiness is what will make you live much longer! anything that makes you feel light! always think about it!
we all have dreams to live well! family ! place! passion so friend what are you waiting for?

Example! me sitting here, going after her every day! expert! Even though I think it's too far away, I still get there! nothing will get me down! wake up early live the day! Sun rise ! birds singing! living is too beautiful! I will make it! unhurried ! alias hurry for what! live every second of this new dawn! don't let anything and anyone tell you that you can't do it!
Persist always!!!! Never give up !

Be humble enough to say you have more doubts about life like me and many here! friend never say you know everything about life because when all the questions already have the answers life changes all the questions.

In these few lines I tried to put my heart! my biggest and deepest thought! even so it still may not have been very clear ! so leave your comment here below the video I'll be happy to answer everyone, I'm very curious and I didn't always have a person who let me ask to make a parameter and expel myself in it! so let's help each other! Sometimes I wonder what I'm still doing here! maybe today I'm helping you! a stranger plus a good person who is just looking for wise words!
Have a nice day !!!

vitor hugo leonarde

add me there on the channel

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