Nuremberg 2.0- Day 1: Opening Statements

2 years ago

*Link below for Day 2: Historical Background
February 5, 2022, The Corona Investigative Committee began opening statements for the Mock Grand Jury trial. They are adopting this Grand Jury model to prove to the public, with the help of real witnesses, lawyers, a judge and experts from around the world, that we are dealing with crimes against humanity that span the globe.

The goal is a coherent presentation of all the facts gathered to date, and thus to convince the populations of all countries that resistance here is not only possible, but required of every individual.

"The allegation is that the world’s governments have come under the controlling influence of corrupt and criminal power structures. They colluded to stage a pandemic that they had been planning for years. To this end they deliberately created mass panic through false statements of fact and a socially engineered psychological operation whose messages they conveyed through the corporate media. The purpose of this mass panic was to persuade the population to agree to the so-called “vaccinations" which have in the meantime been proven to be neither effective,nor safe, but extremely dangerous, even lethal.

The economic, social, and health damage that these Crimes Against Humanity have caused to the world's population can be measured in quadrillions of dollars.

The ‘Peoples´ Court of Public Opinion´s investigation´s purpose is twofold: On the one hand it is to serve as a model proceeding and get indictments against some of the criminally and civilly responsible figure heads of these Crimes against Humanity. And on the other hand it is:
– through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop - to create awareness about,

- the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence,

- the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty, and

- the necessity to first stop this plandemic´s measures by refusing to comply, and

- the necessity to jump-start their own new system of health care, education,
economics and judiciary, so that democracy and the rule of law on the basis of our constitutions will be reestablished.

The Peoples ‘Court of Public Opinion works independent of any government and any non-governmental organization. Logistic support is provided by the Berlin Corona Investigative Committee".

Day 2: Historical Background

For more information

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