Cat Slaps Dog's Face Like She’s Playing The Fruit Ninja Game

2 years ago

Can a cat and dog coexist in one house? Sure. But, can you promise they won’t try to kill each other from time to time? Nope. Absolutely can’t promise that. This clip is a clear example of that theory. Hilarious footage shows the epic ten slap-combo this cat gave to the unsuspecting pup like she was playing the Fruit Ninja game. Hilarious!

The video begins with a cat chilling on a beige color couch with its tail wagging cutely. A dog is sitting at the bottom of the same couch and he is borderline restless. So, he does, what is naturally expected of him. He starts playing with the cat’s furry tail. Now, one wouldn’t go too far with that, but our dog in this case is feeling super adventurous so he just decides to bite at the tail. HA! (Things are about to go downhill from here, doggie dearest!)

The cat was just trying to have a peaceful time when the dog decided to irritate the life out of her. Yes, the cat gets irritated by the tail biting, but is kind of confused on who is doing it. Is it the person holding the camera? Is the kid in the background? Or it is someone else? It is pretty evident that the cat looks around trying to find the culprit. And guess what, our bold dog isn’t ashamed of his actions, he sits right at the same stop, look prouder than ever. With no hint of guilt. (In my opinion, he could have gone running for the hills, while the cat was looking around to find the offender, because what’s coming next is going to be really bad)

The cat gives one look at the dog and knows for a fact who the criminal is. There is no going back for the dog, now. The cat goes one, two, three. Ten! Cat slaps are always hilarious, but a 10-slap combo is unusual, the cat must be annoyed beyond limit. The end of cat slaps doesn’t occur because the cat is done, but because the dog can’t take it anymore and is scared. (And now, he wants to go running for the hills, eh?) I think the dog’s learnt his lesson and will never try to annoy a peacefully resting cat. Or never annoy a cat, period.

Can we take a moment to acknowledge the notorious kids in the background? Yes, the kids. They start with whispering in the background as the video begins, fully aware of the effect the tail biting is going to have. It is as if they were hoping for the inevitable to happen when the cat’s tail gets bitten. It’s so adorable, when the kids burst out laughing when the cat begins is raged slaps. But can we blame the kids for laughing their stomachs out? Well, every time I play this clip I go bonkers laughing just as hard myself.

Did you laugh just as hard? I bet you did! Let us know what else did you think of this video by commenting below and stay tuned to watch more of such cat vs dog love-hate tales. Have you ever seen a cat play the Fruit Ninja on innocent dog’s face? There is first time for everything!

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