An awesome event: Lions shared the buffalo kill

3 years ago

Kitili sauntered up to a buffalo kill, (killed by Masaka & Sirua) with the two lying in the grass, about 30 metres away. Kitili dug into the buffalo meal. After a while, Masaka (the maneless lion) stirred and saw Kitili. He got up and walked in that direction, marking ground and occasionally rolling with his back on the ground, always with his eye on Kitili. He slowly approached the kill, grunted a little, then dug in and ate with Kitili. After a while, Sirua made a move slowly towards the kill, stopping to mark ground, roll in the bushes and show his stomach (rolling on his back), in a sign of peace and acceptance. Sirua was a little more cautious, walking straight by, then back again. Eventually, he also dug in. For one who knows those lions, their story, and the fact that Kitili is from a different litter of lions from Masaka and Sirua, who are brothers.

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