Each Soul Irreplaceable: You Have the Right to Remain Silent

2 years ago


In the 1962 political drama, The Manchurian Candidate, there is a scene, which expressly describes the United States, especially presently in a global public health crisis, as the speaker apologizes to one impatient attendee at a technical science discussion regarding conditioning, or brainwashing: "I keep forgetting that you are a young country, and your attention span is limited." If you are two years into a public health crisis, and have been watching YouTube videos or listening to NPR or just watching news content providers in ideological and political echo chambers, there is a lot that you probably missed in the only 62 minutes per day that Americans consume to absorb news content, only 15 minutes devoted to reading, and less than two and a half minutes on each story. In mass psychological operations, or psyops, this provides anyone who controls information flow to you a decided advantage, especially since even your own bias is probably blinded to you, as you are conditioned to make a "natural selection."

In technical papers, the messaging for the public health response has been described "non-rivalrous" promotion of a "public good." This was the description of a not often cited paper, Jeremy Howard, et al., Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review, a preprint published on April 12, 2020, predating even the cutoff on nonmedical grade facial coverings of May 3, 2020 in the hasty review of 172 non-peer reviewed, observational studies conducted by the WHO, but this paper, prepared by the Data Institute at the University of San Francisco, had an expressed but ulterior purpose that ran counter to the headline, a phenomenon often seen in the press, like the Washington Post headline that had promoted the WHO study, "Spate of New Research Supports Wearing Masks", stating: "This review synthesizes available evidence to provide clarity, and advances the use of the ’precautionary principle’ as a key consideration in developing policy around use of non-medical masks in public."

Hence, a reader of only a headline, saw, in open view, an evidence review of nonmedical grade facial coverings, but the paper was an advocacy piece for a UNESCO doctrine, expressly rejected by American courts, in Sancho v. DOE, and providing state governors, including the nation's only physician serving as a state governor, generally for the public health crisis, and specifically for "mask" mandates, a "white paper" for compelling compliance amongst the general public for "mask" usage, a term repeatedly used to describe these nonmedical grade PPE substitutes that a true clinician or scientist would not use to describe these medical devices amongst themselves, but found to be effective in communication to persons not generally familiar with science, and this ignorance of science provided a psychologically leveraged advantage. If you are familiar with the Howard paper, you are "an insider" with a "code key" and are "read on", a term familiar to those engaged in national security work and intelligence.

To an intelligence analyst, it is significant, beyond the delay in hiring trace contacts follow up personnel across the nation, a methodology known widely in the medical community to be the most efficient and effective method for case identification and disrupting the spread of an infectious disease, a deliberate effort was made in an attempt to recruit 1,300 new hires, chosen from over six thousand resumes, not to require even a college degree, but only a familiarity with "general medical terms", and placing greater priority on personal characteristics like congeniality to be non-rivalrous, or passive/aggressive, as well as a focus upon racial and ethnic window dressing to appear diverse and inclusive, especially to present a work force that could "work with the brothers", so to speak, a technique specifically referenced in Margaret Sanger's December 10, 1939 letter to Dr. Gamble, describing her work in the Colored Project to promote "planned parenthood" to persons she had described as "ignorant, superstitious and confused", for which black doctors and clergy, the most educated, would make the best salesmen, and could deal with "rebellious members."

So, if you are not read on to the science, the nation passed a sobering benchmark, exceeding 900,000 COVID-19 fatalities, but if you are actually following the science, you know that as early as October 2020, the CDC acknowledged that those who had died without other comorbidity factors, represent only six percent, or about 54,000. Still, it remains a fact that there is an increase reported for deaths associated with PIC, or pneumonia, influenza and COVID-19; so, for those who want to deny that SARS-CoV-2 is not real, you can try to explain to yourself why there is an increase in fatalities in this category, which had formerly only included pneumonia and influenza.

In the Manchurian Candidate, the focus of the garden party scene was an attempt to demonstrate that, contrary to popular beliefs and opinions, uninformed as they tend to be, a person could be placed in a hypnotic state and perform actions that run afoul of their personal conscience, and, through nonrivalrous messaging, promoting a public good, in a public health crisis, while for still unexplained reasons, despite doors being closed to visitors at veterans care facilities on March 10, 2020, over 17,000 veterans deaths, median age 70, and largely Black and Hispanic, have been attributed to COVID-19. The Roman Catholic faith might describe this as being found asleep in the faith, woke notwithstanding. Similarly, as published in the New York Times in January, “They are among the most vaccinated groups, but people 65 and older make up about three-quarters of the nation’s coronavirus death toll.” But the nonrivalrous message from the President, while even the Auschwitz Memorial rejects comparisons to the Holocaust is: “They were beloved mothers and fathers, grandparents, children, brothers and sisters, neighbors, and friends. Each soul is irreplaceable.”

And you have a right to remain silent.

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