Water flowed on Mars far longer than thought | SpaceTime S25E16 Podcast

3 years ago

The Astronomy, Technology, and Space Science News Podcast.
SpaceTime Series 25 Episode 16
*Water flowed on Mars far longer than thought
A new study claims water flowed across the Martian surface for much longer than previously thought. The new data from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter suggests that surface water left salt minerals behind as recently as 2 billion years ago.
*New Evidence of Recent Venusian Volcanism
A new data analysis has found more evidence of recent volcanism on the planet Venus. The data reported in the Journal of Geophysical Research Planets -- was contained in 31 year old observations by NASA’s Magellan spacecraft.
*The growing war in space with a Chinese spacecraft grabbing hold of another satellite and moving it to a new orbit.
A report presented at a conference of the Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Secure World Foundation claims a Chinese spacecraft has been observed grabbing hold of another satellite in orbit and moving it to a new position.
*New top secret spy satellite launched
SpaceX has launched a highly classified spy satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office.
*The Science Report
A new variant of the Omicron strain showing up globally.
Young sexual minority males and transgender women are at higher risk of transactional sex.
A new study estimates that there are about 73,000 tree species on Earth.
Olympic athletes warned to leave their phones at home and only take a burner to Beijing.
Skeptic's guide to Uri Geller.
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