Healthy Weight Loss Bundle - Conners Clinic Supplements

3 years ago

Healthy Weight Loss Bundle - Conners Clinic Supplements

Ashley Hansen, Nutrition and Genetic Consultant at Conners Clinic explains what products are in our Healthy Weight Loss Bundle and what each supplement does.

When diet and exercise is proving to be difficult in attempting to lose weight, one must consider a natural way to help control appetite and ‘hunger receptors’ called Leptin receptors. Here’s a simple addition that may prove beneficial:

A. Add a natural appetite suppressor – Our Appetite Balancer has key amino acids that can curb appetite.

B. Add nutrients to help increase effectiveness of Leptin receptors. Leptin is the hormone that tells your body that you are “full”. Leptin resistance is similar to insulin resistance; it is a KEY to weightless issues. Adding our Leptin Balancer can be a great addition to your diet.

C. Add our "skinny probiotic", ProbioClear LEAN that can help change the GUT flora and promote weight loss.

D. Add GUT healers. Our SBI Protect is the exact same product sold as a pharmaceutical for serious GUT healing (at a considerably higher cost I might add).

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8519 Eagle Point Blvd, Suite 170,
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