229. Conversations: Generations - Part 2

2 years ago

Join us as we look at part 2 of Tolodot (or generations) and how we fit in to the end of days, when the promise was made, and the instructions given. Spoiler alert: it was several thousand years before the term “pre-tribulation rapture” was coined.

Tehilliym (psalms) 73:17 b
Yahusha (Joshua) 24:15
B’ray-sheeth’ 48:2-22
Yermayahu (Jerimiah) 31:9b
B’ray-seeth 49:8-12, 22-26
B’ray-sheeth’ 32:7-8
Melekiym Ri’shone (1 Kings) 11:29-33
Melekiym Ri’shone 12:22-24
Yechezq-el’ (Ezekiel) 37:16-19

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