Phase V - The Justice System on trial

3 years ago

Final Phase - Justice on Trial - Mike Peroutka and Brad Dacus Interviews

The final item on BJ's January DO list is on trial today. Special Guests Mike Peroutka and Brad Daucus go under the Last Call microscope. Can we get justice in today's Amerika and if so can we afford to wait for the paint to dry? BJ looks for a cloud behind every rainbow but our guests sing a different song challenging our host's logic.

Good morning folks and welcome one and all to the last leg of our journey through the Right Way to get out of this incredible mess we find ourselves in. Today we put the justice system on trial with two incredible guests. And please - It is now time to resolve to do something and especially to get back on the offensive. Tune in and get ready to move forward to regain our liberties and freedoms.

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