TezTament Radio "Knowing What We Believe" w/Music & A Sermon w/Pastor Charles Cribbs

3 years ago

This video is a different kind of "Truth", it's the truth of God. Join me as I do my weekly broadcast of "TezTament Radio", a broadcast of Independent & contemporary Christian music artists along with a sermon by Pastor Charles Cribbs. This is my first video broadcast of the show. You can ALSO catch ALL of my broadcasts on my Mixcloud at:
And please check out the radio station at:
https;//tezfm.com where you can find ALL 4 of the stations (Indie, AM Gold, TezTament Radio & "The Station") which has my previous week's live broadcasts! The Indie & TezTament Radio stations are ALL just music with some station IDs only. The AM Gold station is "old School" AM broadcasting style with all the jingles and banter!
We are ALSO On Zeno Radio & myTuner Radio, just search "Tez FM"

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