What can a U.S. Army Psychological Operations Officer Teach Us About the 9/11 PSYOP?

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RichardGage911:UNLEASHED! 02/06/2022

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Scott Bennet, Psychological Warfare-Counterterrorism Analyst Tells All
Who was actually responsible for the 9/11 Attacks?

What were the psychological objectives behind them?

Who is Dov Zakheim and Roger Zakheim? 9/11 Masterminds?

What is the Project for a New American Century, the Pax Americana?

Who was Leo Straus, Francis Fukayama, and what is the theory of “Civilization Replacement”?

Is there a PsyOp behind allowing the science to disprove the Government’s 9/11 Narrative?

How is 9/11 playing out in the World Community? Is this the Final Confrontation?
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