My Favorite Valentine

3 years ago

1. "#LoveIsAllYouNeed" — The Beatles, "All You Need Is Love"

2. "#BeMine"

3. "#GalentinesDay"

4. "#HugsAndKisses"

5. "#HugsKissesValetinesWishes"

6. "#AllMySingleLadies" — Beyoncé, "Single Ladies"

7. "#BeMyValentine"

8. "#ValentinesDayDate"

9. "#BeMineAlways"

10. "#CandyHearts"

11. "#SecretAdmirer"

12. "#IGotACrushOnYou" — Mandy Moore, "Crush"

13. "#SinglesDay"

14. "#Sweetheart"

15. "#WhoNeedsAValentine"

16. "#HappyValentinesDay"

17. "#YoureTheOnlyGiftINeed"

18. "#MoreValentinesChocolatePlease"

19. "#ChockFullOfLove"

20. "#LoveIsInTheAir" — John Paul Young, "Love is in the Air"

21. "#IllBeTheOne" — Backstreet Boys, "The One"

22. "#OliveJuice"

23. "#ILavaYou"

24. "#DonutKnowWhatIdDoWithoutYou"

25. "#ItsLadiesNight" — Kool & The Gang, "Ladies' Night"

26. "#WineNotOnValentinesDay"

27. "#MyFavoriteValentine"

28. "#ValentinesAllTheTime"

29. "#YoureTheOneForMe"

30. "#YouveGotAPizzaMyHeart"

31. "#WeMakeANicePear"

32. "#Soulmates"

33. "#XOXO"

34. "#DateNightTonight"

35. "#ImHeartEyeEmojiForYou"

36. "#YoureMyValentinesDayGift"

37. "#ILoveHeartShapedBoxes"

38. "#ILoveYouBearyMuch"

39. "#ValentinesOutfit"

40. "#WhaleYouBeMine"

41. "#MyAlwaysAndForeverLove"

42. "#TheGreatestGiftOfAll"

43. "#MakeItPink" — Sleeping Beauty

44. "#SomebodyToLove" — Queen, "Somebody To Love"

45. "#InstaValentines"

46. "#InstaLove"

47. "#PassTheWine"

48. "#HowDidIGetSoLucky"

49. "#CantHelpFallingInLove" — Elvis Presley, "Can't Help Falling in Love"

50. "#IWillAlwaysLoveYou" — Whitney Houston, "I Will Always Love You"

51. "#ValentinesBae"

52. "#CrushWorthy"

53. "#ShouldHaveAskedMeOut"

54. "#OutWithBae"

55. "#TrueLove"

56. "#MyValentine"

57. "#MySignificantOtter"

58. "#LoveYouALatte"

59. "#WeFoundLoveInAValentinesDayPlace"

60. "#LuckyInLove"

61. "#HowHappyWeveBeen"

62. "#ValentineKingAndQueen"

63. "#ValentinesDayShellfie"

64. "#ItsALoveStory" — Taylor Swift, "Love Story"

65. "#ImSmittenAndInGlove"

66. "#ValentinesDayAllTheWay"

67. "#ObligatorySelfie"

68. "#CupidMustHaveMissedMe"

69. "#IveBeenShotWithCupidsArrow"

70. "#MyFave"

71. "#LoveYouBunches"

72. "#ValentinesDayBlooms"

74. "#RosesAreRedVioletsAreBlue"

75. "#WillYouAcceptThisRose" — The Bachelor

76. "#TweetHearts"

77. "#MyFirstLove"

78. "#AVerySweetValentinesDay"

79. "#Love"

80. "#ValentineFoodie"

81. "#RelationshipGoals

82. "#OutWithBaeOnValentinesDay"

83. "#JustTwoLoveBirds"

84. "#ValentinesDaySelfie"

85. "#LoveThySelfie"

86. "#GotASweetToothForYou"

87. "#ValentinesDayPup"

88. "#IWoofYou"

89. "#YourePurrfect"

90. "#LoveMeowForever"

91. "#BestValentinesDayGift"

92. "#WillYouBeMyValentine"

93. "#MyHeartWillGoOnAndOn" — Céline Dion, "My Heart Will Go On And On"

94. "#CandyHeartsAndSweetTarts"

95. "#BestFriendValentines"

96. "#LookingForAValentine"

97. "#ValentinesThirstTrap"

98. "#AsLongAsYouLoveMe" — Backstreet Boys, "As Long As You Love Me"

99. "#ItsGonnaBeMe" — *NSYNC, "Gonna Be Me"

100. "#ValentinesTreat"

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