Papal Infallibility, Pope St. Leo the Great, & the Council of Chalcedon | Erick Ybarra Rebutted

3 years ago

In this documentary style video, we dive once more into the historicity behind the Tome of Pope St. Leo at the Ecumenical Council of Chalcedon, and discuss whether or not the Tome was an ex-cathedra statement and a proof of papal infallibility as Catholic apologists often claim.

The full video will be available on Patreon.


Blog Articles

Was the Tome of Pope St. Leo Ex Cathedra? | Rebuttal to Catholic Apologist Erick Ybarra:

Rejoinder to Erick Ybarra’s First Reply to Ubi Petrus | Part 1 | When Plagiarism Goes Wrong:

Rejoinder to Erick Ybarra’s First Reply to Ubi Petrus | Part 2 | When Plagiarism Goes Wrong:

"The Gift of Infallibility. The Official Relatio on Infallibility of Bishop Vincent Ferrer Gasser at Vatican Council I" by Bishop Vincent Gasser. Translated by Fr. James T. O'Conner.

McGuckin, J. A. (2010). Saint Cyril of Alexandria and the Christological Controversy (Reprint ed.). St Vladimirs Seminary Pr.

Price, R., & Gaddis, M. (2007). The Acts of the Council of Chalcedon (Translated Texts for Historians LUP) (Volume 45). Liverpool University Press.

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