Global Populist Uprising! Military Defiance, USA Truckers Unite, GoFundMe Fraud Investigation? 3779

3 years ago

Good morning, I’m still reporting on the coup.

Today, we are going to look back at the last week because there were so many stories that we just couldn’t cover them all.

This week as thousands of protester vehicles choked the streets of Canada’s capital city, Ottawa, demanding an end to COVID passports and mandates, heavy tow trucks were summoned by the police, however, the tow trucks broke thru police lines and joined the protesters.

Yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau threatened to have the army come to break up the protesters, but the Army too rebelled, so the government-backed off from their request.

Yesterday GoFundMe, which had collected over $10 million dollars that were supposed to reach the Freed Truck rally, had been frozen by the company, claiming the truckers Freedom Rally had violated their terms of service, on grounds of “violence and other unlawful activity.”

GoFundMe initially announced that everyone who donated would have to fill out a request form. Those whose request was denied would have their money donated to charities of GoFundMe’s choice. This sparked outrage nationwide, causing Missouri’s Attorney General, Eric Schmidt, to join in with Florida and Georgia in an investigation into GoFundMe’s deceptive practices regarding over $10 million dollars donated to the Canadian Truckers’ Freedom Convoy that currently still surrounds the Canadian Parliament area in Ottawa.

Certainly one of the most significant protest rallies in history started out early this week when a spontaneous convoy by Canadian truck drivers began after the Government of Canada mandated that Canadian truck drivers had to be “fully” vaccinated against COVID-19 infections in order to return to Canada from the U.S.

The first convoy departed from the west coast of Canada on Jan. 22. – exactly 2 weeks ago. By Monday, Jan. 24th, the convoy entered Regina, Saskatchewan with an estimated 1,200 vehicles.

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